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How to prepare for meetings

Preparing For Meetings with School or College


Below you can find useful tips to help support you preparing, during and after any meetings that you may have to discuss your education.


Before attending the meeting ensure that you go prepared. There are a number of things you can do before the meeting. You can:

  • Write down any questions you want to ask
  • Arrange for a family friend/relative to attend with you
  • Check if you have booked enough time for the meeting, including travel time
  • Pre-warn the school/college what you want to discuss, this allows them time to gather any relevant paperwork


  • Stay focused on what you want to get out of the meeting
  • Take notes and write down answers to the questions you have written
  • Keep the discussion about your education
  • If there is anything you don’t understand, ask them to explain what they mean.
  • Stay calm and polite, you will most likely be listened to with this approach
  • If you need a break, don’t hesitate to ask.
  • Run through any actions discussed (discuss time spans, responsibility etc.…)
  • If a professional has taken notes, you can request a copy
  • Ask for another review date to meet up (if you want one)


If after the meeting you still have concerns, you can contact us for further Information Advice and Support.

We can:

  • Listen to your concerns
  • Help you sort out the issues
  • Identify other people who can support you
  • Help you decide what to do next (we cannot make decisions for you)
  • Explain the law and your rights.