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SEN Support

SEN Support


Are you worried about your child’s academic progress? Do you feel your child needs additional support?

If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you should arrange to speak with the class teacher or SENCo.

We strongly advise you to avoid speaking to the teachers during drop off or pick up times as you won't have the time to explain your concerns in detail.

Always arrange an appointment. You can do this by contacting the school reception or emailing the teacher.  


What is SEN support?

SEN Support means help that is additional to or different from the support generally given to most of the other children of the same age. 

The purpose of SEN Support is to help children and young people identified with SEND to achieve the outcomes or learning objectives set for them by the school, in collaboration with parents and pupils themselves, to help minimise any barriers to learning.

SEN Support, can take many forms, including:

  • A special learning programme for your child
  • Extra help from a teacher or a learning support assistant
  • Making or changing materials and equipment
  • Working with your child in a small group
  • Observing your child in class or at break and keeping records
  • Helping your child to take part in class activities
  • Making sure your child has understood things by encouraging them to ask questions and to try something they find difficult.
  • Helping other children work with your child or play with them at break time
  • Supporting your child with physical or personal care such as eating, getting around school safely, toileting or dressing
  • Advice and/or extra help from specialists such as specialist teachers, educational psychologists, and therapists.

Every school must publish a SEN Information Report about the SEN provision the school makes. If you want to view a school's report, you can find it on their website. 

If your child requires more support than what the school is required to provide out of their own budget, the School can request an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment from the local authority.  You have a right to make an application for an EHC Needs Assessment if you have parental responsibility. 

For further information on this please click the following link: 

Where can I get more information, advice or support about SEN Support?

You can find out more about SEN Support by:

  • Looking at the SEN Information Report on the school website
  • Talking to your child’s teacher or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)
  • Looking at the Local Offer

You can also get in touch with us. We can give you:

  • Information about SEN Support as well as information about SEN funding
  • Advice about what to do if you are unhappy with the support a school is providing
  • Information about other organisations, support groups and information services that could help
  • Information and advice about your rights to request an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.

For further information on SEN Support, please go to Page 100 – SEN Support in Schools: 6.44 onwards in the SEND Code of Practice 2015,which you can find on the following link: 

I am unhappy with the SEN Support my child is receiving

If you have concerns around the support that is being provided, you must speak with the school's special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo). The SENCo will be able to discuss with you any queries or concerns that you may have regarding the special education provision being provided.

We strongly advise you arrange a meeting and avoid speaking during drop off and pick up times as you will not get the opportunity to speak about your concerns in detail. You can contact the school reception or email the SENCo to arrange this.

You are also able to view the School's SEND Policy and any other you feel appropriate. They are usually located under the policies section on a school's website. If you are unable to locate them, you can contact the school and request a copy. 

For further support on preparing for meetings, please see the next section 'Preparing for Meetings to discuss SEN Support'.


Preparing for meetings to discuss SEN Support

For support when preparing for meetings, you can view our 'Preparing For Meetings' page on the following link

SENDIASS Webpage - Preparing for Meetings


It's important to remember that any meetings that take place should be documented. 


Who manages the school’s SEN resources?

The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
(6.97) - It is for Schools, as part of their normal budget planning, to determine their approach to using their resources to support the progress of pupils with SEN. The SENCo, Headteacher and governing body or proprietor should establish a clear picture of the resources that are available to the school. They should consider their strategic approach to meeting SEN in the context of the total resources available, including any resources targeted at particular groups, such as the pupil premium. 

School governors are responsible for the school’s policy on SEN. The Headteacher and the SENCo ensure that the policy is put into practice.  The SENCo organises support for individual children, but every teacher is responsible making sure that your child’s special educational needs are met in the classroom.


Making a complaint

If you think that the school could do more, you can complain using their complaints procedure. They will send you a form if you make a request. You will usually need to:

  • have tried to resolve your complaint by speaking to the right people
  • be clear about all the issues you want resolved
  • state what you want to happen

If you are unhappy with the outcome following a complaint or feel that it has not been dealt with properly, Havering SENDIASS can give you information on what to do next.